What is the National Pet Register? The National Pet Register is an Australia-wide free pet ID service established and operated by The Lost Dogs' Home and Cat Shelter . The National Pet Register service operates Australia wide, 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year and has been in operation for more than 10 years.
Our friends who developed Dogs of Distinction.
An animal rescue site in Port Douglas, Far North Queensland. Some sincere folks doing a great job. Have a look at their website and some of their interesting articles.
The ultimate pet food site for dogs and cats.Wide delivery area or order online.
Looking for a faithful companion? All ages from puppies to teenage or adult dogs are here. Some purebreds,some cross breds. If you can't see what you are looking for contact them.
Australia wide dogs and cats from puppies upwards needing your love and care. Contact the people in your state for further information and if you can't see what you want.Click on local sites for dogs and cats available Australia wide.
Sydney based service with many adorable doggies waiting for an owner with lots of love.Often puppies of smaller breeds available.
Isabel Pug rescue Victoria Phone: 03 9740-8582 Mobile: 0438022965 Email: maximagic@pugrescuevic.com.au
For pug lovers.