Our customers have asked us to include cat products in our range, which we are happy to do. Many households have cats living with dogs, so this is only fitting and proper that their needs are met.
Everything we sell has been tested on a variety of dog breeds and we are proud of our products, which with reasonable care will give owners and their dogs pleasure, whilst being practical and serviceable.
We own dogs and are in touch with breeders from whom we receive feedback and also from the general public of what they seek for their dogs.
We are proudly Australian owned and stock 80% Australian made products. Only a small number of items are imported, because we do not yet have an Australian equivalent.
Good taste, discernment, style, practicality and value for money are important values to us and we do our very best to pass these on to our customers. We do not carry large stocks, so that you will not see every one and their dog wearing or having the same as you have purchased. This allows us to have variety and quality, not quantity.
We are members of The Royal NSW Canine Council, The North of the Harbour All Breeds Kennel Club, The Smooth Fox Terrier Association of NSW, Fox Terrier Club of Victoria and The Fox Terrier Club of Queensland and the Jack Russell Club of NSW.We are also members of PIAA Australia (Pet Industry Association of Australia.)
Supporting very worthwhile charities needing your help.We support and donate to a wide range of animal welfare agencies and shelters by way of a percentage from your purchases, sales and donations. Your purchase has helped an animal in need. Thank you for your generosity. You are the recipient of a big wag, woof, lick, purr and squeak.
Financial assistance to these shelters and agencies can literally mean the difference between keeping an animal alive a bit longer whilst looking for a home, buying food, medical supplies and operations and keeping the day to day running possible. We do ask these agencies and charities who do not receive any government assistance, not to use our donations for salaries, but that the money be used for the animals only.