Fireworks Thunder Gunshots
The pack contains 2 CD's of noises of rain,hail,thunder,fireworks and gunshots.
The Complete Manual with information to help you to understand and treat your dog's phobia problem.
The Quick Reference Guide to get therapy started quickly and advice to get you through firework and thunder evens as they happen.
Sounds Scary products have been developed by Sarah Heath and Jon Bowen, both internationally renowned veterinary surgeons who exclusively treat pets with behaviouaral problems.
This unique therapy package is the product of many years experience successfully treating dogs with sound phobias.The CD's have been recorded using the latest technology yo suppport both desensitisation and counter conditioning,treatment techniques that are proven to reduce sound phobias in dogs.
This product is designed to offer YOU,the pet owner a therapy that is fast,safe and most importantly EASY TO USE.
The quality and peformance of Sounds Scary products has made them the preferred choice of veterinary surgeons and behaviourists around the world.
Anyone who has seen a dog react violently to scary noises will know how valuable this product can be in allieviating fear and distress.